We have been getting great results with painful sciatica for more than 30 years! Our treatment is uniquely effective... even for difficult cases!
The sciatic ("sigh-attic") nerve originates in the lower part of the spine. It then travels through the buttock area then down into the leg to the toes. When this large, but delicate, nerve becomes pinched or irritated the symptoms can therefore affect eh lower back, hip and buttocks area, leg and even all the way to the toes.
Symptoms are frequently pain, tingling, numbness and sometimes weakness into the leg.
Because sciatica is a pinched nerve, successful treatment must physically un-pinch or relieve pressure from the nerve. This is why so many patients have been frustrated with the results of being given ad prescription or injection for their sciatica. Pills or injections simply will not un-pinch anything. Pain medication often just masks the symptoms - temporarily.
We have been successfully helping patients with painful sciatica for more than a third of a century. We have treated more than 10,000 patients... safely and effectively.
Importantly, sciatica must be treated as soon as possible for the BEST results. We recommend an evaluation to determine the best treatment to begin as soon as possible. Left untreated (or improperly treated with pills, etc.), sciatica often becomes worse.
Acting now provides the best chance for rapid relief and optimum treatment results. Patients that called last week are getting results already!
Most patients with sciatica will be familiar with having an MRI. MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. It is preferred over plain x-rays because MRI can show the soft tissues, such as the spinal disc and nerves. MRI can be very helpful in determining exactly what is causing your sciatica.
We have found that many patients have already had an MRI before they come to our office. However, rarely have the patients ever seen their own MRI. In many cases their doctor may not have even seen the images - they simply read the report.
Dr. Mark Kestner has been viewing MRI images of the spine for more than 35 years. He has viewed THOUSANDS of MRI images. We ALWAYS show the MRI images to the patient. We have found that if the patient has the opportunity to actually see their own spine, including the discs, bones, and nerves, they have a much better understanding of their condition. This means they are better able to make decisions about their care.
Dr. Kestner will carefully explain what the images show and what this means in terms of available treatment options, your future health and answer any questions.
If you have already had an MRI, bring the disc containing the images with you. If you don't have a disc, call us and we can walk you through how to obtain one. If you have not had an MRI, that's no problem. If needed, Dr. Kestner can order that for you.